Friday 31 May 2013

The Lion King Review

The Lion King

Rank 79 as of January 1st 2013)
Age Rating U
Year 1994
Just the classic family Disney movie. A real sing-a-long and all! It can entertain anybody, whether you be 94 or just 94 days old. The Lion King will be for you!
It's good animation for its time (I think?!) and the vocals are really good - I haven't heard of any of them though.
It's probably the best children's movie and one of the best animated! The story is great, teaching about responsibility, as well as coping with death.
It's funny, sad, happy, it has songs, dances, jokes. Its the whole package in one movie of greatness!
'Oh I just can't wait to king!'
Sorry for shortness.

Inception Review

Rank 14 as of January 1st 2013)
Age Rating 12a
Year 2010
Mind = blown.
This is honestly how I imagine what it feels like to be high, what is actually real and what is actually life? I feel sorta dizzy after watching it! - But don't let that stop you watching it, no way! This is superb.
Directed by Christopher Nolan, the creator of one of my favourite movies ever (The Dark Knight) I did have high hopes for it. And, luckily, it certainly did not disappoint.
Fantastic casting, of course, Leonardo DiCaprio, was utterly fantastic. So was everyone else, actually. No one was a disappointment. Ellen Page, was really great as well, I didn't realise she was in this, but it instantly made the movie better, I love Juno. The casting was so unbelievably similar to The Dark Knight Rises, it was quite weird!
But I really did love the movie and definitely a must see. Great storyline, great actors, great director. What more can you want from the movie?
'Your world is not real'

Well, you can definitely tell that I've written this at 2:18am, sorry its so bad.  Also, sorry for the amount of links and stuff. I'm tired but I really want to get some movies watched and reviews done! I've done so well in May, proud of myself haha! Want to get to 10 reviews this month. So I think June is gunna be a massive movie watching month!  

Monday 27 May 2013

Back to the Future Review

Back To The Future
Rank 47 as of January 1st 2013)
Age Rating PG
Year 1985
Such a great feel good movie. Definitely one of my favourites! It's a great film for all, that you can't get bored of watching, even if you've seen it a million times like I have! - I still love it!

Marty McFly, played by Michael J.Fox goes 30 years back in time to save his existence and get his parents together! Emmet Brown, played by Christopher Lloyd, the crazy scientist is a great laugh! But, so are all the characters! Marty meets his parents when they were kids, which is, in itself, rather funny!

It's just such a fun and great  movie! You even find yourself having a giggle at the 1985 graphics, wow things have changed! But that's what makes it great.

Its the perfect Sunday evening, fantasy, sci-fi, comedy, for everyone to lose those it's-Monday-tomorrow blues!

Saturday 25 May 2013

Reservoir Dogs Review

Reservoir Dogs
Rank 70 as of 1/1/13)
Age Rating 18
Year 1992
Not my favourite, I don't know, I just didn't really like it. I loved the opening scene though, that made me chuckle, but otherwise I found it a little boring and so bloody violent!
Every single actor was perfect for their character. Steve Buscemi was great as scrawny Mr. Pink, Harvey Keitel as attentive Mr. White, and Michael Madsen as the psychopath that is Mr. Blonde. As well as the others but you don't really see them that much. But the cameo (I think that's the right word) by Quentin was great, and unexpected!
I just didn't really enjoy the film, I covered my eyes through most of it because of the amount of violence. And blood. Ew. I didn't get the plot line really, it seemed just a bit to abstract for me ha ha!
But it was good, just so violent, maybe that's why I didn't like it that much? I'm not a great lover of violent films!
it's half term! Thank god for that.


Saturday 11 May 2013

Silence of the Lambs Review

Silence of the Lambs
Rank 24 as of 1/1/13)
Age Rating 18
Year 1991
Well, I don't quite know what to say about this movie. I'm slightly shell-shocked over the whole ordeal of watching it. It is the most scary psychological movie I have ever seen ever. Oh my god.
It was so scary, partially because of the really disturbing storyline. Psychopathic murderers and a trainee FBI woman. The FBI Student (Jodie Foster) Clarice Starling tries to find the kidnapper and murder named 'Buffalo Bill', by confiding in another, crazy, cannibal, mass murderer, (Anthony Hopkins) Dr. Hannibal Lecter. Sounds pleasant.
So, I started to watch this movie with absolute no idea to what is was about. I really didn't have a clue! I didn't even read the IMDb page for it! (Unusual for me!). But when the movie started rolling, and the sinster music came on, along with a woman running, I knew that this was gunna be one bloody scary movie. I was convinced that this running women was gunna be shot.
What made it further scarier was how well everybody played their parts. You could see fear Clarice's eyes even though she tried her best to be brave. Something so unbelievably realistic.
 Anthony Hopkins; Well. He played the role as a mass murderer so bloody well, I cant even. He made me shake and cry with fear. (no lie!). He's not on screen that much but when he is my god, it feels like he's on there forever. So so so so so so so so scary. Oh my.
A genius film maybe, but not one I will watch again. Well not for a very long while. Too scary. So too scary! But it's a classic none the less. It totally deserves the 24 rank. It was to be scary, and my god its scary. (have I mentioned that before?)
A movie not for the faint hearted.
Ha ha!
Georgina Parker,
Sorry for repetition of the word SCARY. But I cant even explain to you what I was like, well maybe I could but I'd have to use the S word again and again and again. 

Friday 10 May 2013

Batman Begins Review

Batman Begins
Rank 103 as of 1/1/13)
Age Rating 12A
Year 2005
I didn't even realise that this was on the list, or I would have actually have done the reviews in order! So sorry!
These Batman's, are of course, with out a shadow of a doubt, the best Batman's, ever. Best actors, best everything!
I love Christian Bale interpretation of Bruce Wayne and Batman, two completely different characters. Bruce, lost his parents at a young age (they were shot), he went to train in combat, and then return to Gotham, to his parents millions. Where he became Batman by night and Bruce Wayne by morning. His fights against bad, because good never does, he's Gotham's masked hero.
Michael Caine and Gary Oldman, are such great great actors for their roles. Caine being the butler to Bruce, and Oldman, James Gordon (head of police). Cillian Murphy is also great as the villain, The Scarecrow, who scares me out my skin and creates some creepy horror scenes. S c a r y!
Mark Nolan's directing is again, really good, still making it dark and sinister, but with still so much realism. Well as real as you can get with a guy dressed as a bat flying around Gotham! 
As I have already said, all of the recent Batman movies are on the list, maybe the best film series, ever? It's so consistently. None of them are bad. Actually all of them are totally amazing! Though my favourite is definitely The Dark Knight. Heath Ledger, I salute you for completely scaring me to my bones.
Georgina Parker,
Links: The Dark Knight IMDb Page | The Dark Knight Review | The Dark Knight Rises IMDb Page | The Dark Knight Rises Review |Heath Ledger 

20th post, oh yeah!19th review, just got 241 to go! God Damn it. 

Thursday 9 May 2013

Toy Story 3 Review

Toy Story 3
Rank 56 as of 1/1/13)
Age Rating PG
Year 2010
They say you must save the best 'til and my god, they did! I laughed, I cried, I worried, I loved it. Perhaps it was so amazing because of the gap they left between the first two, so it made it so much more exciting. Or maybe the fantastic storyline. Or even that we were just so excited to see would could happen next to these toys. Andy's older, so what was gunna happen to them? Toy Story 3 answers all this and give such a great movie experience I could honestly watch it again, and again.
Again, of course it has the best voices! Such great animation and all! It's a great movie.

I think you could watch it in 3D, but there's really no point, it wouldn't have made a difference. If anything it would have made it worse. It's not needed! I don't understand the 3D hype! Its not all great and definitely not always needed!!

I'm naming it the best animated movie series of all time. Ever. 
Georgina Parker,

Toy Story IMDb Page | Toy Story Review | Toy Story 2 IMDb Page

How bloody well am I doing this month with reviews! I'm on a role!


Wednesday 8 May 2013

The Wizard of Oz Review

The Wizard of Oz
Rank 149 as of 1/1/13)
Age Rating U
Year 1939                                             
 A classic obviously, revolutionary as well, the first movie with colour I believe? (correct me if I'm wrong!).

Musicals aren't really my thing, but I suppose this is such a big change for the world of film, you just have to kinda like it for the massive change it brought about in film.

I never knew this before but, The Wizard of Oz is actually a book, but apart of a series of books, I think it's the second one or something. Recently a film was made about the first book in the Oz series, Oz the Great and Powerful directed by Sam Raimi. It's about, I quote "A small-time magician is swept away to an enchanted land and is forced into a power struggle between three witches." - IMDb. The Wizard is a little strange but still, just go with the flow!

However, one thing I do hate about this is the fact that it is a dream! Why did they have to do that?! It would have been still so magical if she'd hadn't been hit over the head and it had actually happened! Like in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang where it's actually a story! WHY DO THEY DO THIS?!

So I don't know what to say?! Well done for being revolutionary, and giving poor school kids something to do a school play on. 

Georgina Parker,

Another day, another crap review. I apologise.

Tuesday 7 May 2013

How To Train Your Dragon Review

How To Train Your Dragon

Rank 166 as of 1/1/13)
Age Rating PG
Year 2010

I don't really know what to say about this?! I do really like it and the story, animation and everything is good. But what else is there to say?! However I'm gunna give it a whirl.

So it's about an scrawny young Viking who captures a dragon in order to impress his, big burly 'real' Viking farther. Although then ends up bonding with the dragon. As the Viking group hate dragons and one is only seen as a 'great' Viking if they can capture and kill dragons as they cause great annoyance to the Vikings, but through not fault of their own......

The casting is great and everyone's voices really suit their characters. Animation is great, and spot on! I thinks its one of DREAMWORKS' best movies.

I don't know what else to say, but I'm really looking forward to How To Train Your Dragon 2 which is in cinema's July the 4th 2014 (UK).

Georgina Parker,

Sorry for crappy review, just watch it, its good!

Monday 6 May 2013

Trainspotting Review

Rank 151 as of 1/1/13)
Age Rating 18
Year 1996  
                                        One thing that Trainspotting has definitely done is put me off heroin for life. Yet I loved the movie. It's my humour, my, I don't want to say outlook but I suppose it sorta is, why should we conform to society? Why "choose Life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a fucking big television, choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players and electrical tin openers." ?
(best words ever?) So, anyway back onto reviewing!
It's  film at its best, sarcastic, controversial, so fuckin' anti-media/conservatives/upper class, so bloody brilliant.
Danny Boyle, one of the greatest British directors. On upmost top-form for this movie, it's so Danny Boyle. The cast were great. Ewan McGregor, made you love and loath Renton for Rentons ridiculous attitude. All the other supporting cast, were too, fabulous. 
I feel that Trainspotting is a serious contender for my favourite movie ever, but my heart still goes to dear, dear PULP FICTION.
We're in May, bloody hell! Got no more exams for a while which is good, more reviews hopefully!