Sunday 23 June 2013

To Kill A Mockingbird Review

To Kill a Mockingbird
Rank 67 as of January 1st 2013)
Age Rating PG/A
Year 1962
 I wasn't sure whether I was gunna like this film, simply because its in black and white, I know, its such a 21st century kid thing to say, but its true! However, I loved it. And the black and white was perfect.

Based on Harper Lee's novel (To Kill A Mockingbird, which I now really want to read!) about Alabama in the Depression era, where you follow the lives Atticus Finch and his children (Scout and Jem) where he defends a black man accused of rape. As you know I like a bit of controversy, so the storyline was great!

Everyone played their parts really well, Mary Badham was really great as Scout! And of course Gregory Peck was fabulous as Atticus, cool, calm and collected!

Overall, I loved this movie! It's a definite one to watch, a real eye-opener to how shit some people had in them days. How racist it was, I was quite shocked!

By Georgina,

Its my birthday today, woop.

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