Saturday 6 April 2013

Fight Club Review

Fight Club
IMDb Page
Rank 10 as of January 2013)
Age Rating 18
Year 1999
Utterly unbelievable. It's basic story line is about two guys (Edward Norton and Brad Pitt) who decide to set up a club, for fighting (obviously!). This is the IMDb description of the movie, it might be a bit more helpful; An insomniac office worker looking for a way to change his life crosses paths with a devil-may-care soap maker and they form an underground fight club that evolves into something much, much more... -IMDb

I didn't realise that FIGHT CLUB was actually a book. I haven't read it. So I asked my cousin who has both, seen the film and read the book. He said that it book and "the film are equally as great. And that they couldn't have made it the movie any better, so the adaption was perfect, unlike a lot of movies!" - So the screenplay adaption is obviously alright! - Believe me he knows what he is talking about! He is studying Film at University, so he (I hope!) knows what he is talking about!

I don't really know what to say about it without either giving away the whole movie, which I really don't want to do, or what to say about it that doesn't make it sound shit. It's difficult! Just bloody watch it!

It seems to have all the features of a crap movie, the narrative voice is Edward Norton, one of the main characters. I think narrators usually sound a bit cheesy and not so good, you know, like them 'chic-flicks' where you have the girl say her thoughts that are in her head because the acting is to bad to get what they are thinking across, through acting, yet it makes it work, amazingly. Plus the acting is not bad! It has a big plot twist in the end quarter, which again most crap movies seem to have but no. Oh no. This is no crap movie, with a crappy big plot twist at the end this is mind-bogglingly great. With an unbelievable ending and all! 

Your mind will be blown.

How much can you know about yourself if you've never been in a fight?

By Georgina


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