Wednesday 28 August 2013

The Bourne Ultimatum | Review

The Bourne Ultimatum
Rank 175 as of January 1st 2013)
Age Rating 12A
Year 2007

I wasn't expecting this to be on the list at all. Especially as this is the last in the Bourne Trilogy (The Bourne Identity | The Bourne Supremacy), the last ones are always meant to be the worst right? But no, this was the best one. Apparently very good in sound editing and stuff (it won Oscars for it)!
It follows the story of a man who lost his memory and is trying to find out who he his and why he lost his memory and who he really is. The storyline did get a little ridiculous. But it's exciting and action-packed, it is an action movie after all.
I do I have a bit of a soft-spot for Matt Damon after watching Good Will Hunting (review) I love him, yes he's like 40 but I don't care. Anyway! I'm glad to see another of his films on list. He deserves it. It was another great performance from him, Go Matt.
Remember everything. Forgive nothing.
By Georgina,

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